Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Atwood Correlation

alrite, so in Happy Endings there are mutiple plots that lead to one certain ending, and that is death. It doesnt matter what goes on or how it happens because everything will arrive at this one point at some time. This is present in White Noise because Babette turns out to be just like all of Jack's other ex-wives because she cheats on him. But I guess that really doesnt matter what she does because Jack and her are going to die anyway so all the decsions made only affect how they get to that point in which they die and nothing else.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Want Some Cookies??

alrite, so i really dont kno wat the selling of these delicious morsels conditions these little girls. I guess they're bringing in money for an organization that they stand by and have some sort of pride for, so i guess you culd say its a subform of nationalism almost...i kno its a bit of a stretch but theres a connection there trust me. It teaches them to reach out to others and communicate with other people rather than hide from society. It also shows them consumer culture...i mean everyone kno's wat the girl scouts cookies are...they're friggin awesome!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

deconstruction thingy

alrite, so i cant remember fully what we have to record in this blog becuz as usual i didnt write it down cuz i thought i culd remember but it turns out i cant...so im just gonna talk about what i did and type as much as possible and hopefully i'll cover everything. anyways so for this like experiment i was talking to my mom and she asked me if i had any homework...and thats where it all started, i was like "what is homework, mom? ...i mean homework can mean so many different things" "it culd be some work that u do at home like cleaning ur room cuz thats a form of work that takes place at one's home, it culd be some piece of paper a teacher gives you and tells u to write down some words that answer some questions...but then again you can answer the questions however u want, because there are no solid rights and wrongs in this postmodern world because everyone shuld be tolerant to others beliefs...and on and on" of course my mom got totally lost and really didnt kno how to respond it was kinda funny seeing her react. like she had no idea wat to say...

Friday, February 15, 2008

Writers Beliefs

I do believe that the writer does not believe in everything that he/she writes. Some of the time they write to reflect a certain aspect of one the the characters. But on the flip side some of the time they do express their thoughts and beliefs through the characters as well. It is really hard to judge because we do not know the writers themselves, and we do not know what their like. Cuz alot of the time some of the things they are deliberatley a taboo just to stir the pot a little. So overall i dont think anyone can really tell whether or not the writers believe it is what they're writing.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

What's Art?

Who defines what art is? Who is to say what is art and what is not? When it comes to art, you make the desicion. You decide whether or not sumthing is art. You don't have to a victim of conformity and just agree sumthing is art because everyone else says so. Just cuz ppl say a piece of garbage is art doesnt mean it is. You have to be an individual and decide for yourself what is it. Though it is true that "great art" is generally agreed upon by many as being brilliant. Not everything agreed upon is art, you have to make that distinction for yourself. You have to tolerant to what others consider art tho, just cuz you think its crap, doesnt mean we should judge those who like it.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


The man in Simon Ortiz's "Travelling" is an example of the celebration of disorder which is attributed to postmodernism. This disorder is shown when Ortoz writes, "He writes their names on a letter pad, hurries to another source, asks the librarian for another book but it is out and he looks hurt and then he rushes back to the globe." Obviously this guy is a little looney. I mean he asks for a book, gets heartbroken, then scurries back over to the globe. Thats a little weird, there must be a little chaos and disorder going on up in his noggin. The second example of disorder is the places that are mentioned in the piece. Some make a little sense why they're mentioned together because they were locales during WWII. But some are just plain random, like Antarctica, and Alcapulco...those just dont make any sense to why they are together with the rest of the places.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Hyperreality has gotten its hold on today's society more than ever. One example of this is the television series of ER or Grey's Anatomy where everything is always intense in the hospital and the doctors are always ready to spring into action. In these TV series the patients are almost always saved no matter how bad things look or how impossible it is for them to survive in reality. It's really not like that at all in today's hospitals of the world. It's not intense all the time, actually they're usually very boring and smell hecka funky. And in reality not all the patients live ok, let's face it people die all the time in hospitals. One other example of hyperreality is when it comes to Axe commercials. Like when some dude sprays on some Axe and then throngs of scantly clad hott women pounce of him. Like no, that does not happen in reality at all. When was the last time you saw this happen? Never? That's what I thought.
