Monday, December 3, 2007

Answer to the Q??

Does Claudius attempt to send Hamlet away becuase of his guilty conscience or just simply because Hamlet appears to be losing his marbles?

Alright so I think that Claudius' main reason for sending Hamlet away is because he believes that Hamlet needs a change of scenery to clear his head. He thinks that the change may help him regain his sanity. I also think that he is kind of worried that since Hamlet is crazy that he is prone to do anything, and he doesnt want to take the risk of getting owned by Hamlet. so uhh yea thts wat i think...

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Hamlet's Worldview Mixtureization

Alright first off Hamlet has grown up as a monarch in his kingdom. Now there are certain advantages with having this power but there is also a great amount of pressure and stress involved when ruling over a nation. Take our modern day president, he goes into office looking all smooth and owage-politic looking and comes out with no hair and looks like he aged about 40 years. It's because there pressure on him consistently to make the right desicions all the time. Hamlet has grown up with this pressure on him, to be the best he can be and to make every right desicion and not to screw up. That's pretty tough on young guy like Hamlet, i can see why he's goin insane.

Secondly there must be a copy of "The Prince" by Niccolò Machiavelli in the castle library, because Hamlet has definatley taken the philosophy of the ends justifying the means presented in that book. When he realizes that Claudius has murdered his father, he wants to take any means necessary to avenge his father's death and kill Claudius. Even it means losing his friends, his love (Ophelia) and his mind (he's going bonkers). No matter what it takes if in the end he gets revenge, he will be content.