Thursday, November 29, 2007

O Hamlet you Crrrazzzyy..

Alright, so Claudius is pretty sure that Hamlet is looney. For one he is obssessing over trying to find out why Hamlet is acting like a psycho. He basically doesnt even care anymore that they're in some international crisis with Norway. It's kinda on the backburner in his mind. Hamlet is in the forefront of his mind right now. I mean noramlly when your in global conflict you tend to focus most of your time and energy on that, am I not right? Now Claudius is getting kind of nervous so he sends Rosencrantz amd Guildstern to "spy" on him to see why he is so trippy. Alright so im pretty sure when you send people to do your bidding, you believe what your trying to find out is true. This isnt postmodern here, he thinks theres an absolute truth and that truth is that Hamlet is a psycho. So yea Claudius believes that Hamlet is nuts...and so do I

2 Question? things

Why does Claudius want to send Hamlet to England specifcally, and not somewhere else? Like Tahiti? lol.

Why does Ophelia give the tokens of love back to Hamlet?

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Hamlet and Ophelia, sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N....wattt???

Alright so i think that Hamlet doesnt love Ophelia, well not anymore at least. I believe he did previously because of all those letters he wrote to her. But this whole scenario with his father dying and his mother remarrying quickly to his is no-good uncle really messed with his head. Add to the fact now that he is seeing ghosts, and we got a real messed up emo kid. Hamlet does generalize things and he generalizes women when he says ," frailty thy name is woman". Through this quote it shows that he thinks all women are weak and fail like his mother was. With this train of thought Hamlet kinda just really wants nothing to do with women now and he's focusing his energy on getting revenge. I do believe that he did love her earlier when in Act 1 scnene 3 Opehelia is speaking to Polonius and says "He hath, My lord, of late made many tenders of his affection to me." So obviously there was a little sumthing-sumthing between the two but not anymore. Now that he calls her a whore and makes fun of her dad like all the time it shows that i doesnt really care about her anymore. He is so stuck on getting revenge that he wants nothing to do with anything else in the world. I guess seeing ghosts can do that to someone...

Friday, November 23, 2007

Act 3 scene i & ii

Alright so basically in Act 3 scene i, Hamlet is acting really weird and depressed again...going on another emo spree. There's the famous "to be or not to be..." quote that everyone affiliates with Shakespeare's work. He freaks out around Ophelia again, and denounces women, marriages, and humankind in general. Claudius comes to the conclusion this behavior is not from love. He declares that he will send Hamlet to England, to get a change of scenery, as to maybe change his perspective on life. (maybe he'll stop being all suicidal and jazz). Polonius spies on Hamlet and Gertrude from behind a tapestry to learn if he is really mad with love.

In scene ii, Hamlet preps the actors to protray the play he has written for them. Horatio has a agreed to watch Claudius and see his reaction to the play itself to see if there is any sign of guilt. Hamlet keeps saying some weirdo sexual things to Ophelia during the play, as it plays itself out. He also keeps a sort of color commentary going on with it. Horatio comes to Hamlet and has discovered yes that Claudius behavior was that of guilt. He is then told Gertrude wants to see him. He spends a moment by himself to prep himself cuz he's going to be honest with everything he is going to say and not to lose control of himself. He says "I will speak daggers to her, but use none."

Overall these scenes were crazy. Hamlet's character does develop a lot. He goes from weirdo depressed emo cutter kid to like psycho creeper who wants some revenge. Hamlet has got some psychological problems, like he needs help. But they don't have any psychiatrist so i guess the only therapy that will work is if he totally kills Claudius. Now he's got some verification that Claudius killed his Father so now he's gotta go lay the smack down. Pretty B.A. if you ask me.